How To Install LEMP Stack On Ubuntu

install lemp stack on ubuntu server

As we know that LEMP stands for Linux, Nginx, MySQL & PHP. In this article, I have given the steps that you can follow to install the LEMP stack on ubuntu server.

#1. Installing Nginx on Ubuntu and allowing it through the firewall

We can use following steps:

Step 1: Update the packages first

Enter the command on the terminal:

      sudo apt update

After the command ask to your password … then you enter your password and then use this command is:

Step 2: Command for Installing Nginx:

      sudo apt install Nginx

Step 3: Allow Nginx through the firewall

      sudo ufw app list
      sudo ufw allow in ‘Nginx Full’

If we want to check status, then use this command:

Step 4: Check Firewall Status

      sudo ufw status

You can now go to the server URL (IP Address) and the Nginx default page will be displayed on the Screen.

Step 5: Check the default page on localhost

Go to the browser and type ‘http://your_domain_or_IP/localhost’ in your URL bar.


#2. Installing MySQL on Ubuntu

We can run the command to install the MySQL is:

Step 1: Install MySQL

      sudo apt install mysql-server -y

After installation is completed, then you can run the command for entering the mysql is:

Step 2: Enter in MySQL

      sudo mysql

If you want to exit from the MySQL then enter the command is:

Step 3: Exit from MySQL


#3. Installing PHP on Ubuntu

We can run the command to install the PHP is:

Step 1: Install PHP

      sudo apt install php-fpm php-mysql

If we want to check the version of PHP, then we can enter the command is:

Step 2: Check the PHP version

      php -v

If you want to host a PHP website, you will have to copy your files to:

Step 3: Upload website files to following path

      cd /var/www/html

Step 4: Nginx website configuration file location

      sudo nano /etc/nginx/site-available/default

If we want to change any content from the any file, then we can use the:

Step 5: Updating Nginx website configuration file

      sudo nano filename

Installation is complete for the LEMP.

#4. Installing phpMyAdmin

      sudo apt install phpmyadmin php-mbstring php-zip php-gd php-json php-curl

#5. Configuring MySQL to use a password

Step 1: Check the MySQL user password status

If we set the password on MySQL then we can use this command:

      sudo mysql -u root -p

If we not set the password on MySQL then, we automatic enter the MySQL using this command:

      sudo mysql

After this command we create a user by using this command:

Step 2: Create a new user for MySQL database

      CREATE USER 'username'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITHcaching_sha2_password BY 'password123';

If our user create is successfully then, we can use this command for grant all privileges to the username:

Step 3: Grant access to database to this new user

      GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'username'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION;

And all the process are completed then, we can exit with using by this command is:

Step 4: Exit MySQL


Step 5: Login with new username & password that you set

Go to the browser and type ‘http://your_domain_or_IP/phpmyadmin’ in your URL bar. You will see an option to log into your PHPMyAdmin console.


#6. Create a symlink

      sudo ln -s /usr/share/phpmyadmin /var/www/html/phpMyAdmin

Check the installation:

      sudo service nginx restart

Note: If all the process are completed, and we get the issue for login page, then we can change the php version from the configuration file.

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